how might we…

…clarify and map services to nuanced audience need with a new, refreshed look and feel?


The Institute for College Access & Success refresh

TICAS needed a website refresh that would go beyond a facelift. They needed to clarify their services based on audience type, convince governing officials to take student financial success seriously, and promote a bespoke database tool.

With a target audience-set so vastly different from each other, TICAS needed to first understand those differences, distill their archives into clean content, define a clear information architecture, and a brand expression to match.

my responsibilities

Project Management
Workshop Facilitation
Google Analytics Review
Target Audience Definition
Content Goal Alignment
Information Architecture
Content Strategy
Content Creation Scoping
Design / Creative Direction

my team at wideeye

Janel Sheehan, Brand + Digital Design Lead
Camden Lee, Web Development


Foundational understanding of their audiences, expressed through data-driven storytelling.

I guided their team as they Marie Kondo-ed their content, brand expression, and workflows to build an inviting site that they are both proud of, and can actually manage sustainably.

We worked to take all of the important data that TICAS manages and build it into tools that all audiences could leverage regardless of their savviness with data.

We also established a brand expression built for a sub-brand to bring their bespoke data-set on college financial debt and aid to life.


The Institute for College Access & Success


Herman Miller Gaming